Business Risk Management

It’s important to focus on your core competencies. But it is just as important to be mindful of your business risks.

Working hand-in-hand with our affiliates, JS Insurance Agency will customise financial solutions based on each SME owner’s needs and concerns. For SMEs, Risk Exposure comprises four categories: Strategic Risk, Operational Risk, Compliance Risk, and Financial Risk.

Through meticulous planning and a thorough analysis, we’ll help you navigate your business challenges for a brighter future.

Strategic Risk

Commonly known by the acronym “PEST”, Political, Economical, Social and Technological risks arise from inadequate business
strategies and strategic objectives. As a result, your business’ progress and projected growth will be hindered.

Operational Risk

Ranging from IT system failures to acts of God, operational risks are a constant hazard that every business has to face, no matter
which industry you’re in.

Compliance Risk

Business expansion is great, but it comes with the danger of compliance risk. If one fails to comply with internal and external regulations, the business could incur hefty penalties that’ll drain
company financials.

Financial Risk

Often overlooked by businesses, financial risk refers to a company’s inability to manage debt and financial leverage. When a company has inefficient cash flow management, or is unable to pay back existing loans, this incurs significant costs – potentially placing personal assets at stake.